Thursday 18 February 2016

My favourite memory By Keana

My favourite time of Year 6 was Eden Camp, particularly when Mrs Spears was scared when a statue moved behind her; she jumped and screamed! The public that was around us all stared whilst our group just laughed. It was even funnier because the statues were meant to do that and it was pitch black so we couldn't see clearly!   

My Favourite Memory . . . By Erin

When I found out who was in my class and who my teacher was. This is because all my friends are in my class and I have a teacher who I really wanted in Year 5! I was also happy because last year my friends were in another class and I really do not want it to happen again! I've had a great year!

My favourite memory: Skye 6D

My favourite memory was when I was given a place, with seven other people, to visit Yorkshire Sculpture Park. It was my favourite memory because we looked at different sculptures and we also got to listen to how and why the artist created their master piece. We also learnt about what it represented. I had the time of my life and we even got to make our own piece of land art, which is basically just art made out of things you may find on the ground.

Written by: Skye, 6D

My memory by Natalia 6W

My Favourite Memory In School

My favourite memory of school is doing the 5 Towns Spelling Bee, where we competed against 5 other schools in our area at Castleford Academy. I really enjoyed it because I was with my friends and I also love to do spellings. We all had an amazing time and we were crowned victorious!

By Natalia,6W

My Favourite Memory By Millie 6D...

My favourite memory in Year 6 is when I met Faith as a friend and we now get to work together for the rest of this year. We both have very funny memories that will stay with us! We can't wait to create more fun memories at CPJA!

Thursday 4 February 2016

Volcano Poetry

This week for our homework we were told to create an acrostic poem to represent a natural disaster, one of the brightest pupils in our class wrote this poem about a Volcano. She used her imagination very well whilst creating this piece of homework. We have a lot of other talented children in our year. Come back next week to find out what we've been up to.
Written by: Skye.